Friday, March 31, 2017

Trump Being Trump

The United States is merely about 11 weeks into Donald Trump’s presidency and at this point, I believe it’s safe to say that the U.S. government is a mess. Trump has been making terrible decisions, signing over outrageous executive orders and racking up enemies left and right. His biggest mistake so far, though – signing an executive order on energy and climate.

This executive order takes a step toward undoing much of what President Obama had in place for the United State’s climate change. It is no doubt biased and based on Trump’s own opinions, without any science to support it. The order calls for an initial review of the Clean Power plan, removes the ban on coal leases on federal land (which was a huge win for Trump supporters), repealed a number of small Obama orders on how the government is supposed to deal with climate change, and a few other minor, but not so minor, things.

Throughout Trump’s campaign, he expressed his opinion and made it very clear that climate change is not on his mind – he once even called it a “hoax.” The Trump administration has constantly showed that climate change is not a priority to America. However, I believe that our government should be in the fight against climate change and make it a priority. Trump must come to his senses and realize that there are scientific facts to back all allegations of climate change.

Trump is stripping down climate regulations that Obama put in place and is putting American jobs above this imminent situation. Although America does need jobs, there will be no jobs for anyone unless America joins the fight against climate change. The environment is what allows us to be and by signing this executive order, Trump is loosening regulations that should be getting stricter.

We, as Americans, play a huge role in this, and we must continue to voice our opinion to the Trump administration. Trump cannot neglect the fact that the global temperature is rising, sea levels are rising and the oceans are warming. These things do not just happen for no good reason – there is a cause behind this and Trump needs to get behind it, also.